Spring Really is a Time for Renewal by Al Morris
June 1, 2021
I know there really is no off-season for many of us, but in the predator world I look at Spring as a good time to reset for the year ahead. The coyotes have young ones in the dirt, so a new set of ears are about to be unleashed on the landscape. Fresh ears and pups make for a Fall and Winter bonanza; are you and your gear ready for the year ahead?
The number one thing I see happening right now is the boom of new predator cartridges made for getting after our favorite quarry. My current favorite is the 6mm Creedmoor in a Ruger American or Ruger Precision Rifle. Its bigger cousins, the 6.5 Creedmoor and the 6.5 PRC are in the same offerings. .22 Creedmoors are proving to deck coyotes and wolves with a zest for accuracy and a great one-shot/one-kill attitude. However, I will never stray too far from my 22-250's, 223's, and 243's as they are proven furtakers.

Al Morris sighting in
Now is also a great time to try those new cartridges at the range, as well as keeping your tried-and-true favorites in tip-top shape. Some new glass on top, a new stock and a good cleaning can spruce up an old favorite gun. This time of year, I strip them down and give them all a proper once over. Everyone has a favorite way of cleaning a gun, but a cleaning essential is a suitable bore solvent that dissolves copper, lead, and unburned powder. It will make those lands and grooves shine like new. Good oil or other lubricants to prevent rust will also be appreciated by your gun. Take the action apart and give it a good goin' through. Next Winter, when the temps fall, and you're questioning your sanity for hunting on a cold day, a properly cleaned and lubed action might save the day.
With ammo at such a premium, I don't seem to be making as many runs to my shooting range, but the time I do spend there, I use less ammo with more efficiency. If I have new glass on top of a gun, I bore sight, then have a box at 25 yards to confirm it is on paper. Usually with one adjustment, it's on at 100 yards. I am running the Hornady 4DOF shooting app, so I match my guns to the height adjustments it calls for with all the loads that Hornaday makes for killing predators. Most of the time, one inch high, or relatively close to that, is where many of my guns hang out. NOW is the time to make sure every one of your guns is where it needs to be so you're prepared for the predator season.

Al Morris
Another great thing to tackle this time of year is adding new sounds to your FOXPRO caller. With new sounds coming out all the time, Spring is the perfect time to download the FOXPRO programming software. Start taking advantage of the latest free sounds, as well as previewing and purchasing the newer sounds that everyone is experiencing success with. FOXPRO has excellent customer service to help with every facet of your individual needs and advice as to which sounds will work best in your neck of the woods. FOXPRO also has Field Staff in many states always willing to lend a hand. FOXPRO offers a wide variety of electronic callers designed to fit everyone's needs.
When you purchase a FOXPRO, you're in the family. We will help you in any way we can to use that investment to its greatest potential. With the best customer support in the industry, you will know you have an added value buying that American-made caller. Thank you for your continued support and good luck calling this season!
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