FOXDATA Global Stats

This data is taken directly from FOXDATA users. The following provides a basic analysis of that data. This is a great way of sharing valuable information with other hunters all across the world. This data is updated daily.

Last updated: 10-21-2024 11:02:53pm

Hunt Overviews

Successful Kills1648
Nothing Seen4196
Shots Fired / Miss502
Interrupted / Premature End110
Camera Shots28

Moon Phase on Successful Kills

New Moon ImageNew Moon6.08%
Waxing Crescent ImageWaxing Crescent18.75%
First Quarter ImageFirst Quarter4.37%
Waxing Gibbous ImageWaxing Gibbous17.27%
Full Moon ImageFull Moon11.64%
New Moon ImageWaning Gibbous19.94%
New Moon ImageLast Quarter3.71%
New Moon ImageWaning Crescent18.24%

Current Moon Phase Information As of 10-21-2024 11:02:53pm

Current Moon PhaseWaning Gibbous
Next Full Moon11-15-2024
Next New Moon11-01-2024

Length of Stand

Shows the length of time spent on successful hunts in minutes.

Time on StandPercentage
Less than 10 min.26.59%
More than 10 min. Less than 20 min.0.00%
More than 20 min. Less than 40 min.54.31%
More than 40 min. Less than 60 min.11.36%
More than 60 min. Less than 100 min.4.74%
More than 100 min.3.00%

Time of Day

Times appear in 24 hour military time format.

00:00 1.56%
01:00 4.77%
02:00 5.96%
03:00 3.05%
04:00 3.35%
05:00 4.69%
06:00 16.38%
07:00 11.02%
08:00 14.37%
09:00 8.71%
10:00 0.67%
11:00 0.67%
12:00 1.04%
13:00 0.37%
14:00 0.97%
15:00 1.04%
16:00 1.71%
17:00 2.08%
18:00 0.82%
19:00 1.34%
20:00 3.57%
21:00 4.69%
22:00 4.17%
23:00 3.35%

Months of Successful Hunts

January 24.47%
February 13.66%
March 10.44%
April 1.43%
May 0.60%
June 0.68%
July 1.13%
August 1.13%
September 2.70%
October 17.49%
November 15.47%
December 10.81%

Temperature Ranges During Successful Kills

Lower than 19°F1.85%
20 - 29°F7.64%
30 - 39°F17.64%
40 - 49°F20.46%
50 - 59°F16.01%

Weather Reports

Not all hunts will feature a weather tag. The weather tag is inserted by the operator if they so choose to use it. The following chart shows the most frequently used weather tags.


Barometric Pressure Trending Observations

When the barometric pressure rises during the course of a hunt, this can be an indicator that a storm has recently passed and clear weather is moving in. Conversely, if the barometric pressure decreases during the course of a hunt, that can be an indicator that a storm is moving in. The following chart displays generalized information for the increase/decrease barometric pressure as measured throughout all hunts logged through FOXDATA. Please note: the following pertains only to successful hunts.

Hunts where pressure increased29.73%
Hunts where pressure decreased70.27%

Most Commonly Used Sounds

Coy Pup Dist 3
Platinum Gray Fox Pup
Coy Pup Screams
Vole Squeaks
Lightning Jack
Rodent Distress
Bay Bee Cottntl
Baby Rabbit Dist
Platinum Grey Fox Pup
Fem Yodel Howl
Cagie Cottontail
Male Coyote Howls
SnowShoe HP
Juv Red Fox Dist

Regional Data

The following shows the top 15 regions where most FOXDATA users are located.

State/% of Users
TX - 9.37%
PA - 8.21%
MO - 3.36%
AZ - 3.31%
NY - 3.07%
OH - 2.89%
KY - 2.88%
VA - 2.86%
MI - 2.84%
IL - 2.70%
WI - 2.69%
OK - 2.44%
NC - 2.25%
IA - 2.21%