Summer Calling by Al Morris
June 10, 2022

Al Morris showcasing his harvest
So it's Summer, and you still have the itch to get the FOXPRO out and let it sing. I say do it. I have come to love Summer calling and have really taken a liking to chasing coyotes when it's hot.
Back up a few years, and that wasn't always the case, but after meeting Justin Aamodt from Oregon, my whole outlook on summer calling has changed.
I was a hide hunter for most of my calling career, the big hunts were November through January, and the hides were prime, so that is when most of my contests, videos, and chasing coyotes occurred. I met FOXPRO Field Staffer Justin Aamodt of Diamond A Guides and Outfitters out of Burns, Oregon, at an RMEF event in Vegas 10 or so years ago. He invited me to hunt Summer coyotes with him. Long story short, I really couldn't wrap my head around calling coyotes the first week of July. But that first hunt with Justin was a total success and a great time. Calling coyotes in the Summer months after the pups have left the den is fun and filled with action.
You really can base the whole year of calling coyotes around the February "RUT" and then the 62-day gestation period, just like their cousins, the domestic dogs. But the entire year of a coyote's life revolves around breeding and getting the next crop of pups raised. Feb 15th is the peak of the breeding season for coyotes. Most coyote pups will hit the dens by the last week of April or the first week of May. During the first 15 days, their eyes are closed. Within another 15 days, they begin to poke around inside the dens. By 60-90 days, they are out getting into trouble, and Summer calling is officially on.
During May, June, July, and August, the coyotes continue to raise their pups and expand throughout their territories. You can take advantage of every facet of coyote behavior during this time and use all the sounds on your FOXPRO to be more successful.
I love to dog coyotes in the Summer, but I realize not everyone has decoy dogs. So here is my shortlist of sounds for summertime success you can use without decoy dogs.
Lone Howls
Coyotes are extremely territorial in the Summer. Lone Howls is the single best way to arouse their curiosity and get them to roll into a set in the Summer months. I use Female Yodel Howls, C5 Young Pup Howl, Female Sore Howl, and Male Coyote Howl. From the MFK library, I use Lil B Whimper Howl. When I play these howls, my Ruger is loaded and ready.
Pup Fights
Since getting access to the MFK library, I really like the sounds Table Scraps, Pound Town, and the FOXPRO sounds Den Mayhem and Den Heist. In the Summer, these fight sounds will get reactions that the other sounds just can't.
Pup Distresses
Pup Distress 3 is the single best pup distress sound I've ever played. That said, don't skip Pup Screams and Pup Distress 2. Also, with the MFK library and the release of new FOXPRO sounds last year, you literally have access to more pup distress sounds than ever before. MFK has sounds at different stages of a pup's life, 3 weeks old, 6 weeks, etc., so get out and get to playing these sounds. You will be amazed at the reactions.
Prey Distresses
A coyote still has to eat in the Summer, so don't forget to play some prey distress sounds. My Summer favorites are Kid Goat Distress, Fawn Distress, and some good old cottontail sounds like Mrs. McCottontail, Eastern Cottontail, and Cagie cottontail.
Summer is here. The time is now to enjoy some of the best weather, best calling, and dramatic coyote responses. Get out and enjoy the sport of predator calling any chance you get. You will be glad you did.
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