Ccs Outdoor

Location |
La Grande, Oregon United States |
Favorite FOXPRO Sound |
Coyote Pup Distress 2 |
Favorite FOXPRO Unit |
Fusion |
Weapon of Choice |
Remington 700 22-250 |
Favorite Species to Hunt |
Coyote, Elk |
Favorite Location |
Oregon | | |
YouTube | |
Colby Lankford:
Colby Lankford was born and raised in Eastern Oregon where
he currently resides. He was born to hunt, but is forced to work on the
weekdays to help fuel his obsession for the outdoors on the weekends. Hunting
has always been a family past time, but his father Craig introduced him to the
sport of predator calling at the age of 9. It didn't start out as all fun,
hand-me-down camouflage plus extreme freezing temps equaled one frustrated kid.
Over the years he began to appreciate the sport more and more due to the
unpredictable results with each stand, and the adrenaline rush each and every
time he sees a coyote or hears someone whispering "Coyote, Coyote!"
At the age of 18 he created a hunting group known as "Coyote Control
Specialists". This group started as a couple clueless teenagers who hunted
almost every second possible, filming every step of the way. Dedication and
persistence turned this group into a successful organization, backed by several
big name outdoor companies. The CCS Boys are well known for their suspenseful
YouTube videos featuring coyote hunts, but also Rocky Mountain Elk, White Tail,
Mule Deer, Black Bear, and about every legal game animal found in Oregon.
To Colby, predator hunting is more than the thrill, or the kill. It's about the
memories made while spending time with family and friends. "Hunting solo
has never been my thing, so when my hunting buddies can't tag along I find
someone new, and introduce them to the sport. I will admit it though, it's very
tough watching the coyote run away, but it reminds me how my dad must have felt
each and every time I missed...which was quite frequent."
At the age of 18 Colby received a FoxPro Spitfire as a Christmas gift from his
parents. After harvesting 3 coyotes on his first trip using the Spitfire he
quickly saved up enough money to purchase the Firestorm, which he still uses 6
years later. "I have been downright brutal to my Firestorm. I have
literally played catch with it on stand to change the batteries, dropped it off
of bluffs, left it in freezing temperatures over night sitting in snow, and
haven't had it fail on me. My father's first FoxPro is still going strong 10
years later, he refuses to upgrade to a new caller because he has had so much
success with that one call, and zero problems. Over the years Colby has used
several different types of E-Callers, but admits that there is nothing that
compares to the quality, ingenuity, reliability, and customer service of
FoxPro. This has been a dream of his for several years, and is very excited to
be a part of such a great organization representing the leading name in the
Predator Industry!
Cody Mattson:
Cody Mattson was born into an avid hunting family in
Northeastern Oregon and was raised to love the sport. As a young boy, he
shadowed his father in the outdoors packing his .22 bolt-action rifle while
learning all that he could about the great outdoors and hunting. From elk and
deer hunts in the fall, to trapping and hunting bobcats and coyotes in the
winter, and calling turkeys in the spring, Cody loved it all! He even spent the
summer months scouting for the upcoming seasons. Up until the age of 16, Cody
spent his time hunting with his father and grandfather harvesting a number of
animals and can thank them for continually feeding his hunting addiction. His
family has been the largest influence and biggest support when it comes to his
passion for hunting.
Later in his teenage years, Cody started hunting with his close friends where
he fell in love with predator hunting and calling coyotes. On his 17th
birthday, he and a couple friends skipped a day of school for a coyote hunt
where they harvested three coyotes. This is where it all began! Since then they
founded the group "Coyote Control Specialists", and started filming
each and every adventure while out hunting. After harvesting forty coyotes
their first season filming, Cody and the group decided to share their hunting
videos with the world on YouTube. It did not take long before their popularity
grew and they extended their videos to all hunting seasons.
FoxPro has played a huge role in the success of the Coyote Control Specialist's
predator hunts throughout the past years. One of Cody's most memorable coyote
calling experiences happened on what the group calls Triple Dog Flat where they
took Cody's father out after 4 inches of fresh snow had just fallen. "We
snuck up on the hillside overlooking a large bowl. We set up the FoxPro and
within 30 seconds had 3 coyotes running in, coming within 30 yards of us. To
our surprise, another 3 were coming in just behind them." Because of a jam
in one of their shotguns, Cody and the crew were only able to harvest one of
those but were amazed by the amount of coyotes the FoxPro called in. Having
experienced the amazing success of FoxPro predator hunting products, Cody looks
forward to calling in coyotes with the help of FoxPro in his future hunts.
Erik Jacobs:
Erik was introduced to hunting from his father at a very
young age. Hunting is what he grew up doing and this is what drives his passion.
He grew up in a small town known as LaGrande, Oregon, where he currently lives
today and is a full-time college student at Eastern Oregon University,
completing his Bachelor of Science degree in Business with an emphasis in
The passion of hunting both predator and big game soon became, not just a
passion, but an addiction. As Erik began to grow older, he began hunting
with his two friends who also had the same passion for hunting. As time
went on, they decided to start filming adventures to relive memories and share
them with other people. Soon after sharing their adventures and film with
other people and seeing the excitement that this created, they decided to form
a group called "Coyote Control Specialists."
Cody, Colby, and Erik live and breathe predator hunting, in particular Coyote
hunting. They have all been lifelong friends and do what they know best, coyote
hunting. Colby and Cody introduced Erik to using the FOXPRO, which only
took two times of using it before he had to purchase one of his own. Erik says
the sound quality coming from a light weight electronic call combined with an
easy to use remote all in one is a "must have". His first experience
using the FOXPRO consisted of four minutes of calling and three coyotes running
in within those four minutes.
Erik also mentioned, "the sound quality" with the FOXPRO has helped
save me on many occasions by giving me that second chance, or allowing me that
one extra second. "Any animal that shows interest will be giving a
second look your way every time."
"The FOXPRO has been a game changer, and has been the most reliable call
I've ever owned. I am excited to be a part of the FOXPRO team and promote their
product to help them in any way I can." says Erik. For Erik, FOXPRO is
continuing to build his passion for hunting and feed his addiction.