Al Morris

Allen Morris of Springville Utah grew up with a love of hunting, fishing, and just being outdoors. As a youngster he could be found with his dogs and a BB gun chasing animals around his family's dairy farm. At the age of 16 Al's dad Chuck read an article in Outdoor Life about Wayne Carlton and his ability to call elk, using a turkey diaphragm call. His father called Wayne that very day . "My life was changed forever," said Morris. "After some one on one instruction over the phone from Wayne, three days later I was calling elk in the field myself. I realized I had a unique ability to make a variety of all the vocalizations the elk make. Al's talent for hunting and calling elk led to a lifetime career as a professional guide. Al has "put his knife in over 780 elk and climbing every year from his own success and his guiding ability.
Morris is a 4 time World Coyote Calling Champion along with his partner of over 20 yrs Garvin Young. 1997,2007,2008,2016. Morris also won the World Elk calling Championship at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Rendezvou in Dallas TX 2 months after winning his 3rd world coyote calling contest in 2009. Al is the only adult to have 2 different species at the same time. Al has won the Northeastern Elk calling Championship multiple times, the Best of the West multiple years Utah State along with the new Western Hunting and Conservation Expos contests. When Al is not in the field filming for FOXPRO HUNTING TV he loves to share his passion for the outdoors and the rich tradition of Predator calling and Elk hunting. He especially loves sharing the "FOXPRO" family of electronic predator calls and hand calls that make him one of the most successful personalities in the industry. He looks forward to sharing his knowledge and experience with every outdoor enthusiast that attends one of his events.....