Features the TX1000 transmitter.
Comes with 100 sounds.
Also features an additional 100+ FREE sounds from FOXPRO's Free Sound Library.
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Usually ships in 5-7 business days.
International orders may take additional processing time.
PA residents, add 6% sales tax (excluding apparel).
The FOXPRO X24 is a powerful and compact unit that features a positional Xtreme High Definition (XHD) speaker. The XHD speaker is a horn speaker with an added tweeter for improved frequency response. The XHD speaker system allows for extreme volume capabilities and realistic sound clarity. The X24's handle folds out into a positional stand to provide elevation over various terrains that you might encounter. There is 1 external speaker jack if you desire even more volume, an auxiliary jack to connect an approved device such as a Jack Predator Decoy, and a charge jack. The X24 comes with 100 high-quality FOXPRO sounds and over 100 sounds from FOXPRO's Free Sound Library, with the ability to store and access up to 1000 sounds. The X24 comes complete with a lithium battery and charger kit in the box! The TX-1000 features a full color graphic LCD screen, which displays your sound list or sound categories. It also has a barometer indicator, moon phase indicator, temperature indicator, battery level indicator, timer or time clock, FOXBANG technology and much more. FOXMotion allows you to fade the sound from the left speakers to the right speakers to help "sell" the reality of your call sounds. FOXCast allows you to play a pre-set custom sequence to include your favorite sounds, volume levels, and even pauses. FOXData allows you to record real time information from each and every stand so you can access the data for future reference. The X24 is backed by a 5 year limited warranty and FOXPRO's unmatched customer support and is proudly made in the USA.
Feature Highlights
- FOXBANG Automatically maps your caller to a predetermined setting after discharging your firearm. (See instruction manual for FOXBANG options.)
- FOXMOTION Mimic moving prey by fading sound from left speaker to right one.
- FOXDATA Activate FOXDATA and it records real time information (temp, barometer, moon phase, stand duration, shot time) from each stand. Over time you will be able to predict animal activity/hunting success based on hard data.
- FOXCAST Virtually hands-free calling with FOXCAST sequence files.
- AUTO VOLUME Automatically ramps up and modulates your volume.
Product Videos
What's in the box?

1 | X24 | |
1 | Lithium Battery and Charger | ![]() |
100 | Premium FOXPRO SoundsPreinstalled on unit at factory. If ordering direct, you can pick out the 100sounds. Otherwise, you will receive a standard selection. | ![]() |
100 plus | FREE FOXPROSoundsPreinstalled on unit at factory. | ![]() |
1 | TX1000 Transmitter | ![]() |
1 | Product Manual | |
1 | Warranty RegistrationForm |
Factory Sound List
Position | Sound Name | Sound ID |
000 | Coyote Yips | 101 |
001 | Coyote Group Yip Howls | C25 |
002 | Yipping Coyotes | C32 |
003 | Male Coyote Howls | C34 |
004 | Coyote Female Sore Howls | C40 |
005 | Female Coyote Deep Howls | C29 |
006 | Male Coyote Long Howl 1 | C33 |
007 | Female Coyote Bark Howls | C15 |
008 | Coyote Pair | C26 |
009 | Female Coyote Long Howls 1 | C19 |
010 | Female Coyote Long Howls 2 | C20 |
011 | Female Coyote Challenge | C24 |
012 | Female Yodel Howl | C28 |
013 | Coyote Male Barks | C30 |
014 | Coyote Pair Yip Howls | C31 |
015 | Female Coyote Challenge Barks | C23 |
016 | Coyote Male Challenge Scream | 185 |
017 | Troubled Coyote | 103 |
018 | Fem Coyote Sub | C35 |
019 | Female Coyote Whimpers | C17 |
020 | Coyote Pup Screams | C22 |
021 | Coyote Pup Distress 3 | C27 |
022 | Gray Fox Distress | 224 |
023 | Scream-N Gray Fox | 226 |
024 | Platinum Grey Fox Pup | C85 |
025 | Baby Red Fox Distress 1 | C75 |
026 | Red Fox Distress | 227 |
027 | Red Fox Pups | C79 |
028 | Red Fox Rally | 221 |
029 | Mt. Lion In Heat | 370 |
030 | Mt. Lion Whistle | 373 |
031 | Lone Wolf | 320 |
032 | Wolf Pair Howl | 324 |
033 | Aggressive Bobcat | 380 |
034 | Canine Pups 1 | C00 |
035 | Canine Pups 2 | C01 |
036 | Baying Hounds | C03 |
037 | Kitten Cries | F00 |
038 | Kitten Distress 2 | F02 |
039 | Lightning Jack | L00 |
040 | Jackrabbit Distress | 233 |
041 | White Tailed Jack | L11 |
042 | Devil Hare | L10 |
043 | Eastern Cottontail | L57 |
044 | Bay Bee Cottontail 2 | L64 |
045 | Adult Cottontail | L55 |
046 | Cagie Cottontail | L58 |
047 | Lil Rabbit | L53 |
048 | CF Cottontail | L56 |
049 | Lils Cottontail | L59 |
050 | Snow Shoe High Pitch | L06 |
051 | Snow Shoe 1 | L03 |
052 | Raspy Woodpecker | B00 |
053 | Weep-N Woodpecker | B01 |
054 | Woodpecker | B09 |
055 | Hairy Woodpecker 2 | B06 |
056 | Finch Distress | B70 |
057 | Wood Ducklings | B78 |
058 | Cranky Male Cardinal | B84 |
059 | Blue Jay Distress | B75 |
060 | Titmouse Tantrum | B85 |
061 | Nutty Nuthatch | B86 |
062 | Ranting Red Bird | B87 |
063 | Lucky Bird | 290 |
064 | Flying Squirrel Distress | R02 |
065 | Vole Squeaks | R07 |
066 | Field Mouse Distress | R10 |
067 | Rodent Distress | 249 |
068 | Prairie Dog Distress | 247 |
069 | Groundhog Distress | 242 |
070 | Guinea Pig 2 | R01 |
071 | Baby Porcupine | N50 |
072 | Distressed Calf | M07 |
073 | Lost Sheep | 258 |
074 | Baby Pig Distress | H03 |
075 | Juvenile Pig Dist | H04 |
076 | Lil Piggy | H20 |
077 | Kid Goat Cries 2 | M00 |
078 | Whitetail Yng Dst | D06 |
079 | Whitetail Buck Fawn 2 | D02 |
080 | Antelope Fawn Cry | D55 |
081 | Elk Calf Distress | D30 |
082 | Bear Cub Distress 1 | 253 |
083 | Crow Fight | 270 |
084 | Dying Crow | 275 |
085 | Crow & Hawk Fight | 276 |
086 | Crows | 280 |
087 | Crows 2 | B52 |
088 | Magpies | B50 |
089 | Raven Flock | 533 |
090 | Raccoon Fight | N02 |
091 | Twittering Raccoon | N03 |
092 | Young Raccoon Distress | N04 |
093 | Raccoon Pup | N07 |
094 | Raccoon Puppies | N08 |
095 | Elk Chuckle | D31 |
096 | Elk Calves | 404 |
097 | Bugle-M-In | D32 |
098 | Courting Bugles | D34 |
099 | Moose Grunts | D45 |
100 | F_Cals Fed Siren | 160 |
101 | F_Siren 2 | 161 |
102 | AM Coyote Yips and Whimpers | 659 |
103 | F_Coyote Lonesome Howl | 189 |
104 | F_Female Invitation 2 | 188 |
105 | F_Coyote Hurt Pup | 179 |
106 | F_Interrogation Howl | 187 |
107 | F_Coyote KIYI | 218 |
108 | F_Coyote Male Challenge | 212 |
109 | F_Coyote Pup Distress 1 | 209 |
110 | F_Female Invitation 2 | 188 |
111 | F_Interrogation Howl | 187 |
112 | F_Lone Howl | 186 |
113 | F_MM Adult KiYi | 560 |
114 | F_MM Coyote Bark Growls | 553 |
115 | F_MM Coyote Barks | 554 |
116 | F_MM Coyote Challenge | 555 |
117 | F_MM Coyote Challenge Howl | 556 |
118 | F_MM Coyote Growls | 557 |
119 | F_MM Coyote Pup Howl | 552 |
120 | F_MM Dog Brawl | 558 |
121 | F_MM Passive Coyote Howl | 551 |
122 | F_MM Young KiYi | 559 |
123 | MM Coyote Cries | 584 |
124 | MM Coyote Pup Dist | 585 |
125 | MM Coyote Pup Howl 2 | 586 |
126 | MM Coyote Whimpers 2 | 588 |
127 | MM Coyote Whimpers | 587 |
128 | MM Red Fox Barks | 591 |
129 | MM Red Fox Gekkering | 592 |
130 | MM Red Fox Howl | 593 |
131 | MM Red Fox Squall | 594 |
132 | MM Vixen Mating | 595 |
133 | MM Vixen | 596 |
134 | F_Bobcat in Heat | 230 |
135 | F_MM Cottontail Distress | 565 |
136 | F_MM Jackrabbit Distress | 566 |
137 | F_MM Pileated Woodpecker | 569 |
138 | F_Chirping Coaxer | 515 |
139 | F_Crazy Critter | 120 |
140 | F_Fox Whistle | 519 |
141 | F_Freaky Squeaks | 518 |
142 | F_High Freq Squeak | 517 |
143 | F_Javelinas Demise | 121 |
144 | F_Kiss of Death | 250 |
145 | F_Luscious Lips | 516 |
146 | F_Mouse Squeaker | 514 |
147 | F_Squirrel Barks | 501 |
148 | F_MM Barn Cat Distress | 564 |
149 | F_MM Hurt N Hog | 568 |
150 | F_MM Kittens | 563 |
151 | F_MM Lamb Distress | 567 |
152 | MM Lamb and Sheep | 589 |
153 | MM Lamb Distress 2 | 590 |
154 | AM Bugles | 658 |
155 | AM Cow Calf 2 | 651 |
156 | F_MM Raccoon Fight | 562 |
157 | AM Cow Calf | 650 |
158 | AM Estrus Cow Calf | 653 |
159 | AM Long Range Locator | 654 |
160 | AM Small Bull with Big Bull | 657 |
161 | AM Spike with Estrus Cow | 656 |
162 | AM Spike with Estrus Cow | 656 |
163 | F_Antler Rattling | 201 |
164 | F_Buck Fight | 200 |
165 | F_Buck Grunts | 202 |
166 | F_Buck Snort Whz | 205 |
167 | F_Doe Estrous Bleat | 203 |
168 | F_Doe Estrus Bleats | 415 |
169 | F_Elk Calf | 402 |
170 | F_Elk Estrous | 401 |
171 | F_Hyper Moose Cow | 196 |
172 | F_Light Sparring | 199 |
173 | Mature Buck Grunts | 416 |
174 | F_MM Buck Roar | 578 |
175 | F_MM Mature Buck Grunt | 577 |
176 | F_MM Moose Calf 1 | 570 |
177 | F_MM Moose Calf 2 | 571 |
178 | F_MM Tending Grunt Finish | 576 |
179 | F_MM Tending Grunt | 575 |
180 | F_MM Young Buck Grunt | 574 |
181 | F_Moose Bull | 191 |
182 | F_Moose Cow 3 | 194 |
183 | F_Moose Cow 1 | 263 |
184 | F_Moose OOH-WAH | 262 |
185 | F_Moose Rattling | 264 |
186 | F_Moose Thrashing | 190 |
187 | F_Moose Urinating | 192 |
188 | Rattle | 421 |
189 | Rutting Buck | 418 |
190 | Snort Wheeze 2 | 420 |
191 | Snort Wheeze | 419 |
192 | F_Tending Grunt | 204 |
193 | The Chase | 422 |
194 | Young Buck Grunts | 417 |
195 | MM Breeding Sequence | 579 |
196 | MM Buck Grunting | 580 |
197 | MM Doe Bleats | 581 |
198 | MM Frustrated Buck | 582 |
199 | MM Mat Buck Grunts | 583 |
200 | F_MM Baby Raccoon Distress | 561 |
201 | F_MM Raccoon Fight | 562 |
202 | F_MM Lone Wolf | 550 |
203 | F_Crow+Owl Fight | 277 |
204 | F_MM Crow Distress | 572 |
205 | F_MM Crows | 573 |
206 | F_Ugly Crow | 273 |
207 | F_Barred Owl | 282 |
208 | F_Excited Hen Yelps | 450 |
209 | F_Fighting Purrs | 455 |
210 | F_Flydown Cackle | 288 |
211 | F_KEE KEE | 287 |
212 | F_Lost Hen | 286 |
213 | F_Raspy Hen Yelps | 452 |
214 | F_Tree Yelps | 453 |
215 | F_Turkey Cuts | 454 |
216 | F_Turkey Purrs | 289 |
217 | F_Young Hen Yelps | 451 |
218 | F_Blue Winged Teal | 140 |
219 | F_Canada Geese Large Flock | 132 |
220 | F_Can Gse Cmbck 1 | 304 |
221 | F_Can Gse Cmbck 2 | 305 |
222 | F_Can Gse Cmbck 3 | 306 |
223 | F_Can Gse Lydwn 1 | 309 |
224 | F_Can Gse Lydwn 2 | 310 |
225 | F_Can Gse Lydwn 3 | 312 |
226 | F_Can Gse Lydwn 4 | 313 |
227 | F_Gadwall | 141 |
228 | F_Green Wing Teal | 315 |
229 | F_Mallard Chatter | 142 |
230 | F_Mallard Comeback | 143 |
231 | F_Mallard Drake | 144 |
232 | F_Mallard Feed Call | 145 |
233 | F_Mallard Greeting | 146 |
234 | F_Pinteal Whistle | 314 |
235 | F_Snow Goose Dbl | 303 |
236 | F_Snow Goose Hail | 302 |
237 | F_Snow Goose Single | 299 |
238 | F_Snow Gs Lrg Flock | 301 |
239 | F_Snw Goose Sml Flk | 147 |
240 | F_Spckl Belly Clkng | 148 |
241 | F_Spckle Bel Cmbck | 317 |
242 | F_Spckle Bel Greet | 318 |
243 | F_Widgeon | 316 |
244 | F_Wood Duck Squeal | 149 |
245 | F_Wood Duck Whine | 150 |
246 | Help | PS1 |
X24 Digital Game Call
Dimensions | 8.25" x 11.5" x 10.5" |
Weight | 5.00 lbs. |
Speakers | (1) Horn speaker (1) Tweeter |
Manual Operation | No |
Play Modes | Single, Jukebox, Repeat |
Charge Jack | Yes |
External Speaker Jack(s) | (1) 3.5mm |
Auxiliary Device Jack | (1) 3.5mm |
User Reprogrammable | Yes |
USB Port | USB 2.0 A/B |
Sound Capacity | 1,000 (Comes with 100, plus over 100 additional sounds from FOXPRO's Free Sound Library) |
Internal Memory | 16GB |
File Compatability | MP3, WAV, FXP and 24B (24B playback) |
Power | (lithium kit included) |
Run Time | 3-7 Hours1 |
Warranty | 5 Years, Limited2 |
Released | September 2019 |
TX1000 Transmitter
Weight Scale | No |
Sub Categories | No |
Pro Hunts | No |
Operating Distance | >300 yards under ideal conditions3 Industry leading remote control range |
Dimensions | 3.18" x 1.17" x 8.78" |
Favorites/Presets | 50 |
Sound List View | Categories, Single List |
Lanyard Loop | Yes |
Illuminated Buttons | Yes |
USB Port | mini-USB |
Power | 3AA Batteries (Not Included) |
Warranty | 5 Years, Limited2 |
1 Run times vary depending upon volume level, number of speakers being used (including external), temperature, and sound density. FOXPRO recommends the use of a high-capacity rechargeable lithium battery pack (included with this item) for the best overall performance. Please note that alkaline cells are not recommended for use in temperatures below 32°F/0°C.
2 Limited warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse, abuse, exposure to water, battery damage including leaked batteries, and all other forms of physical damage.
3 Optimal range is had by ensuring clear line-of-sight between the game call and transmitter and elevating the game call off of the ground approximately 3 feet. Your results may vary.
Reccommended Accessories
IMPORTANT NOTE Please note that you are purchasing only the decoy. The image shown with the Game Call is used only for reference of how the decoy mounts to the X-Series Game Calls.
XD8 Lanyard
The XD8 Lanyard from FOXPRO keeps your favorite predator calls and remote organized and easily accessible while hunting. Attach your remote with the new hassle-free swivel connection and add up to six hand calls with the tier loop design.
Coyote Brown Carrying Case
The FOXPRO Carry Bag is specifically designed to fit the X1, X2s, and X24 (all with mounted X-Decoy). It will also fit all other FOXPRO game calls (except all Prairie Blaster models, Shockwave, XWAVE, and all Krakatoa models).
User Reviews
All submitted user reviews are displayed below. Scroll down to view all. To submit your own review, please click here.
(4 stars)
Bill in North Florida on Feb 02, 25
Great call but no battery status bar
(4 stars)
Franklin in Alabama on Jan 19, 25
I wish FoxPro would have keep the feature on the 1000 remote to reset the timer with a button on the front of the remote. This is the reason I gave the X24 four stars.
(1 stars)
Anonymous in GA on Dec 09, 24
The X24 does not come with the cable necessary to download more sounds or create sequences for the Fox Features. Meaning they are selling you things that unless you have the cord you will not get out of this unit. Called customer service line and their employees could care less. I will be returning the product and going to LuckyDuck products since FoxPro owner group is only focused on profits instead of including a $5 cord on a $600 purchase! Says a lot about the company
(5 stars)
A.J. Stock in Southwest Missouri on Nov 08, 24
Awesome Call!
(5 stars)
Jeff Writer in Unknown Location on Jun 02, 24
Hands down, the best caller I have ever used. Plenty of volume and the legs are handy. Very high quality.
(5 stars)
Jeremy in NW Oklahoma on Feb 16, 24
No comments to share.
(5 stars)
Seth in Kentucky on Jan 27, 24
Love the call. Sound quality is amazing, TX1000 remote is great. Call had an issue a couple months into owning but Foxpro has great customer service and stand behind their products. Got me up and running again ASAP.
(5 stars)
Brian in Wexford PA on Jan 22, 24
Bought an x24 and an x decoy. Love them both have had great results with both items. A couple of screws backed out of my decoy where they connect to the call. Emailed the company to ask for replacements and in a few days they arrived at my home. That’s what I call service. Wasn’t even their fault and they took care of me no questions asked!!!! They have a customer for life.
(4 stars)
Anonymous in Florida on Dec 21, 2023
The sound quality is great . Remote is great. what I don't like is they didn't engineer the body big enough to accommodate the 10 pack AA battery bank. If I hunt coyote at Montanna camp no power there, cannot recharge lithium bank. Also the on off switch easy to turn on and off. Cows mess with the call licking it turn it off. Traveling things can bump switch turn it on dead battery. Switch on Shockwave way better.
(5 stars)
Cody in Danese, WV on Feb 27, 2023
First night out hunting with this call was amazing. After only playing the call for around 5-10 mins with foxpro lil rabbit distress I had three coyotes come charging in so fast and hard all the way to the call that was only 40yrds away. Soon as they hit the call they scattered. An amazing experience and great product. Wish I was able to share the video of it on here!
(5 stars)
Anonymous in Maine, USA on Feb 13, 2023
Amazing all around quality, and great customer assistance !
(4 stars)
Anonymous in Unknown Location on Feb 09, 2023
Great sounding call but I guess a $5 usb cable was too much to ask for.
(5 stars)
Dan in Wisconsin on Feb 07, 2023
Works great on Coyote love the transmitter range. I used on a mature 5-year-Old whitetail this past year with bow. Hid in brush hit doe bleet once his curiosity got him to hang up for the shot.
(5 stars)
Josh in NW Missouri on Dec 26, 2022
Has worked very well already, called in multiple coyotes and lots of raccoons.
(5 stars)
Anonymous in Midwest on Nov 25, 2022
Brand new to coyote hunting. I got 4 in my first night and a double on my 2nd! Great call and it got there 3 days after i orderd
(5 stars)
Mike in Pa on Nov 07, 2022
Fantastic, crisp & clear vocals from this caller.
(5 stars)
James Vanderhoef in Central Michigan on Oct 21, 2022
Just like every other foxpro I own, this thing is amazing. The sounds are very crisp and loud. This is my 8th foxpro caller and i find i just cant seem to ever get rid of one. Very happy customer right here, yet again.
(5 stars)
Michael underwood in Central ohio on Oct 14, 2022
Great call! Called a dog first night using it.
(5 stars)
Jess in Havre, MT on Oct 10, 2022
Amazing call! Cons: 1. Fox Bang was super sensitive if I hit the remote it would activate (I need to work on the sensitivity settings) 2. Remote screen scratches super easy 3. FP needs to put a sound dampening coating on the remote (rubbery coating), it clicked when I was walking into the stand. But now I am just being picky Pros: Sound is 2nd to none on the X24. I've exclusively used the Lucky Duck Revolt and it's a great call, but the sound quality on the X24 is better. Remote range is phenomenal! Ran 5 stands the first day. 1. Called in 1 came and stuck her head in the call (literally 2 feet). She came from over a mile away 2. Called in a triple. All of them came from different directions to different sounds. 2 of the 3 came to within a few feet of call, 3rd was coming and saw me move. 3. Dry stand 4. Coyote put his head almost in call 5. Coyote came rolling in, but saw the truck (my bad) Great call great sound quality!
(5 stars)
Timmy Carr in Eastern, North Carolina on Sep 27, 2022
This being my 4th Foxpro e-caller, very impressed with the volume it produces. I get howls back at over 800+ yards away, so I know the volume is reaching out. The adjustable legs/carrying handles are great for setting up on uneven ground and different speaker angles.
(5 stars)
Gary Wheatley in Kentucky on Sep 15, 2022
This is my third Foxpro call and all I can say is wow! This call is awesome.
(5 stars)
Scott S. in Wyoming on Sep 02, 2022
Incredible sound quality and volume. Remote is the best out there !! Easy to use and love all the great features on the TX1000 WTG FOXPRO !!!
(5 stars)
Dave L. in USA on Mar 05, 2022
I have been hunting predators for over the decades and have seen the evolution of predator calls from the Circe handhelds, to tape cassettes, to upgraded renditions of Fox Pro electronic callers. First, the remote is a serious upgrade from Fox Pros' previous versions. Especially the navigation and ability to maintain dexterity when navigating/ selection while wearing hunting gloves. Also, the sound quality is so much more crisp and realistic. It is also engineered to hold up and have easy portability when packing to the location to the versatility for a stand set up.
(5 stars)
Anonymous in Unknown Location on Mar 03, 2022
Love the caller. Works great sounds great. Shipping was super slow and carry bag came ripped. Still wouldn’t buy anything else.
(5 stars)
Luke Richardson in Middle Georgia on Mar 02, 2022
This is my third Fox pro; my last two have been borrowed out to friends and not returned (because of the effectiveness of the products). Sounds quality continues to improve with each new Fox pro model and is considered excellent.
(4 stars)
larry baldwin in Penn. on Feb 03, 2022
Love the x24 this is my 4th fox pro caller. The sound is very clear and goes way louder then I need . I would have given it 5 stars if it was waterproof for the amount of money hunters spend on these calls i believe that it should be a given being that we hunt in all kinds of Inclimate weather Fox pro need to address this issue
(5 stars)
Anonymous in Tennessee on Jan 29, 2022
No comments to share.
(5 stars)
Wayne Garrett in Williamsport Ohio on Jan 17, 2022
Works better than expected. Loud and clear!!!! The remote is very nice. I really like the stand design. 👍🏻
(5 stars)
Nick Fulkerson Western KY in Unknown Location on Jan 09, 2022
Hands down best electronic call I have used. Called out a triple in under 3 minutes on my first stand with the x24.
(5 stars)
Luke in Kentucky on Jan 01, 2022
Great product
(4 stars)
Jeremiah D. in Pacific Northwest on Nov 21, 2021
The X24 should be 5 stars. It's loud, solidly built, and over a great caller. The remote takes some getting used to, though it's well designed. The reason I took off 1 star is the computer program to upload purchased calls. It needs a serious update. Also, considering the price, it should not allow duplicate sound files to be loaded. Update the computer interface and you'd have a 5 star product.
(5 stars)
Levi K Bradley in Grayson county on Nov 12, 2021
Haven’t got to use it much yet but great call easy to use an from watchin tooth an claw tv I’m more then sure this call will get the job done
(5 stars)
Ty in PA on Oct 27, 2021
I have always been a pretty big hand caller but always like to run a electronic game call also. This is my 3 foxpro and I can’t say I’m disappointed one bit. This call is super crisp when you play any sound at any volume. The first night I had the call out for PA season opener is produced a fox. Can’t say enough about the quality and dependability of the call they continue to make.
(5 stars)
Hayden in East Tennessee on Oct 17, 2021
No comments to share.
(5 stars)
Mike J in Northwest Indiana on Oct 06, 2021
Great sound! More volume than I expected. Love the built in adjustable stand to get the caller off of the ground!
(5 stars)
Anonymous in Unknown Location on Sep 17, 2021
Great sounds, pulls all kinds of critters in, remote is awesome to use.
(5 stars)
Dan in Wisconsin on Jun 12, 2021
Like the range of remote, easy to use. Simple set up base. Sound is as good as it gets !!!!!
(5 stars)
Mo in Phoenix, AZ on May 17, 2021
I’m loving this caller. I got it when my crossfire died. Wasn’t too sure about it at first. But now that I’ve used it for coyotes, I’m hooked. The coyotes seem to be hooked too. I’m not the biggest fan of the stand, I prefer a deployment bag. The TX1000 remote is awesome. Great job FoxPro.
(5 stars)
Scott S. in Wyoming on Apr 22, 2021
Incredible sound quality, remote functions are easy to use and display is easy to read, great volume and clarity !
(5 stars)
Michael S. in East Tennessee on Apr 14, 2021
One of the best if not the best electric call on the market. Works great for locating coyotes, turkey,or anything.
(5 stars)
Brian in Way down in the dirty south on Apr 06, 2021
The caller is great and much better than what I was using. I do wish that it had blue tooth capabilities but other than that I am really liking it. It has been the death of a few mature poodles already.
(5 stars)
Anonymous in Unknown Location on Apr 05, 2021
A great product from a well managed company. What nice folks to deal with.
(5 stars)
Venatic in Texas on Mar 18, 2021
The remote is the best I have ever used well designed and feature rich. Caller has plenty of volume and so far has been flawless
(5 stars)
Dennis Lee in Anson County, NC on Mar 03, 2021
Crystal clear sound! Best sounding call I have ever heard. Quality than can only be made in America. Very easy to use and the remote ties it all together. I also like that its easier to tote and set up than some of the other heavier and bulkier calls I've had in the past. The self stand option in my opinion is a huge plus.
(4 stars)
Tim in Wichita, Kansas on Feb 25, 2021
The quality of the product is amazing. After reviewing the manual, I found the remote was easy to navigate. The large display is easy to read. The sounds are amazing. The only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars at this point, is because I haven’t used it in the field yet.
(5 stars)
Chris in Virginia on Jan 31, 2021
Great call. Instructions on how to install new sounds on it could be a little more comprehend able. But the call is great. Love the carrying handle/stand. Loud and clear!!!
(5 stars)
Jason in Kansas on Jan 26, 2021
Best out there and best consumer service.
(5 stars)
Todd in Mid south USA on Jan 25, 2021
I’m very pleased with the X24. I’ve had good much better results with it than I did my previous call. It seems to be very high quality. The sounds are authentic and the remote has wonderful range.
(5 stars)
James g in Louisiana on Jan 03, 2021
Range and volume are great Easy to use
(5 stars)
Brent McRae in Montana on Dec 31, 2020
Speaker is very clear, even at higher volume. The remote though, is even better, the ease of reading is a big plus. Really pleased with the call and the success we're having.
(5 stars)
Jeff Funk in Southeast Ohio on Dec 30, 2020
hands down in my opinion the best call on the market. Sounds are clean and clear lifelike I recommend the x24 and most of all it’s a American made product thanks Foxpro
(5 stars)
Steve in Central Mo. on Sep 10, 2020
Remote easy for a non tech guy. Volume and clarity very good. Stand #1 raccoon distress, coon ran to speaker and knocked it over. Customer service outstanding.
(5 stars)
Jeff Writer in green forest, AR on Aug 04, 2020
I am old school, Ive used a CS24 for years and would not even talk to you about changing. I broke down and tried a X24. Best move I have ever made. This is hands down the best call I have ever used. The stand is very handy and improves the already very good remote range. Moving the battery charger to outside to where do you do not have to remove it to charge is very nice. Programming is faster and easier. The sound quality is excellent and will make your ears bleed it is so loud. Like the CS24 it is simple and all business. It has everything you need, and nothing you dont. Perfect call for a serious predator hunter.
(5 stars)
Erik Hammond in Huntington Vermont on Aug 04, 2020
The X24 is awesome ! Clarity is crystal clear and and is super load powerful 🇺🇸
(5 stars)
Robert Fernandes in Central California, USA on Jul 21, 2020
The clarity and lack of background noise is amazing. On my first try a nice coyote came in from 3/4 mile at full speed. May be luck but, i'm very impressed with the size power and quality of the sound of this unit.
(5 stars)
Cory Peavey in Carey, ID on Jun 19, 2020
A perfect tool to combat my predator deprivation problem! I was able to preload all the sheep, coyote, and wolf sounds I need. Lamb in distress sound even called in a couple mile deer. This is the one you want, with a rechargeable battery and enough sound volume to reach out.
(5 stars)
DC in Eastern USA on Mar 23, 2020
Crystal clear sound and very loud (1-40 volume). TX1000 remote is awesome and easy to use while keeping eyes on scanning. Speaker is compact and fits in the mandrake bag really well. Very happy with this unit.
(5 stars)
Snowman Mo in Unknown LocationAz on Mar 02, 2020
This call is AWESOME! I call a lot of foxes and bobcats and they seem to be more tone sensitive. The X24 has some great tones on the higher frequency calls. I don't really need the volume but my calls need to clear and the X24 fills that bill nicely.
(5 stars)
Dale in Bloomsburg , PA on Feb 25, 2020
This is the best call that I have used in 10 years of coyote hunting. I have tried other brands. Nothing compares to the sound quality of Foxpro. You will never need a louder speaker than this if your hunting in PA. It is very loud! I have all my presets at 20 for the volume. It goes to 40. Foxpro has the best customer service that I have ever delt with. This call is very mobile it packs very nice in my back pack. The remote is much better than the older Foxpro remotes. I do not have to have my readers on to see the menu. The range is not 100 yards as advertised. Maybe under the right circumstances it would reach 100 yards. I would say 50 yards your good. That’s the only down fall. I love it. Buy it you will not regret it.
(5 stars)
rk kroner in athens, ohio on Feb 10, 2020
The xwave sound is awesome. The coyotes respond like mad. It is easy to load extra sounds....