Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains answers to frequently asked questions along with a lot of other good information pertaining to FOXPRO products. This section will expand over time to try and cover all possible questions, so please check back often. You can click on a category name to discover all questions and answers or click on an individual question listed beneath a particular category. For help with your online store account, please see the online store account help section.

Can I purchase a replacement remote?
FOXPRO does carry replacement remote controls. Whether you've lost your remote in the field or damaged it beyond the point of repair, you can order one through us. Each caller has their own specific remote control and cannot be upgraded to receive anything other than the original style that came with your caller. For instance a Firestorm cannot utilize a TX505 or a TX1000. Only a TX9 remote will work. There are no available upgrades to alter any caller to be compatible with a different type of remote control.

In most cases you will be able to call us and order a remote and we will ship it out within 2-3 business days. However, there may be a chance that you will have to return your caller to us so we can update the software so the NEW remote will work properly. Any model that uses a TX500 will be issued a TX505 which is the newest version. If you had (have) a model that uses the TX500 and need a replacement there is a chance that the caller will need sent to us. Once the appropriate updates are applied we will return your call and the remote that you purchased.

Remote controls can only be purchased by phone to ensure that the correct Model is specified and you receive the correct remote. Prior to calling to place an order make sure that you have your product information written down or have the caller in hand. This will speed up the process of getting an order placed and shipped as soon as possible. Please call 866-463-6977 or 717-248-2507 option # 1 for Sales.

Here is a list of models and the only compatible remote for that model:

  • BuckPro TX433
  • Cabelas Outfitter Series TX35
  • Crossfire TX505
  • CS24 (original and B) TX500/TX505
  • CS24C TX1000
  • Elk Moose Pro TX433
  • Firestorm TX9
  • Fury 2 TX505
  • Fury GX7 TX500/TX505
  • Fusion TX1000
  • FX3 TX5LR (Blue or Red band on caller antenna)
  • FX5 TX200
  • HammerJack TX915
  • Hi-Jack TXHiJack
  • Krakatoa (original) TX500/TX505
  • Krakatoa II TX1000
  • Model 48, 416 and 532 TX5LR (only if the caller has been previously modified to add a remote)
  • OCC TX200
  • Patriot TX433
  • Prairie Blaster 1 & 2 TX500/TX505
  • Prairie Blaster 3 TX1000
  • Scorpion X1A TX200
  • Scorpion X1B TX9
  • Scorpion X1C TX9
  • Shockwave TX1000
  • Snow Crow Pro 2 TX500/TX505
  • Snow Crow Pro 3 TX5LR
  • Snow Crow Pro 5 TX200
  • Snow Pro TX433
  • Spitfire TX24
  • Super Snow Crow Pro TX1000
  • Truck Pro (Regular or Large) TX1000
  • TurkeyPro TX433
  • Wildfire 1 & 2 TX9
  • XR6 TX5LR
  • X1 TX433
  • X24 TX1000
  • X2S TX1000
  • XWAVE TX1000
  • NX3 & NX4 There are no upgrades available to turn these into remote units.

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TX1000: Accidental Restore Defaults
If you select the option to Restore Defaults on your remote a few things will occur. You will wipe your remote clean of any FOXData information, Preset sounds, and your Sound List/Categories. The remote control will default back to channel 5. Any elevation settings that you have saved will be removed causing your Barometric Pressure reading to be incorrect. Selecting the Restore Defaults option is not necessarily recommended but it will not hurt your remote in any way. If you do by chance select Restore Defaults follow the instructions below so you can get back in the field:

  • Turn on your call to see what channel it is on. The channel will be displayed as "C" with two numbers after it. If the channel is anything different than 5 simply go to your TX1000 Settings and change the remote channel to match accordingly.
  • Next go to TX1000 Settings and select Download List. This will upload all of your sounds and categories back to your remote just as before.
  • Again go back to TX1000 Settings and adjust your elevation.
  • Last set up your Favorites/Presets
Once you follow these brief instructions you should be good to go. Make sure that the first two bullet points are done in order. After you reset your channel and upload your sound list the last two steps can be done in either order. If you encounter any problems please call our Service Department at 717-248-2507 option # 2. Please be sure to have your call and remote with you when you call.

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Spitfire: Programming Error 70
If you are trying to program a FOXPRO Spitfire, Wildfire, or Scorpion X1B and encounter "Error 70: Permission Denied", the issue stems from the write-protection slide switch located on the card adapter. The adapter will have a slide switch with two positions: locked and unlocked. Often times these switches are accompanied by a small picture of a padlock in the locked and unlocked positions. If the switch is in the locked position, this means that write-protection is engaged. When you try to write data to a card while the switch is locked, this will result in the "permission denied" error. You need to unlock the adapter and then try again. When the adapter is not locked, you can write data to the card with no issues.

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Mac: Safari Web Browser Parsing FXP Files
On a Mac (with the Safari web browser) when it encounters an unknown file type (i.e. FOXPRO's .fxp) and is not sure how to handle it, Safari will try to parse the file contents directly to the browsing window which results in a lot of "goofy" text on the screen that is terribly unreadable. This text you see is actually the raw file contents. This is easy to fix. The trick is that when the file has fully loaded into the browser, you can then save that file. Just go to "Save-As..." and then find a folder that you want to put it in for the time being. If it asks you to "append..." make sure you tell it to DON'T APPEND and you'll be fine. When it's done, that file is now saved to your hard drive and ready for loading into the caller.

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Spitfire: Programming / Sound Files Layout
Sounds in the Spitfire are arranged by the numerical value assigned within the file name. The original 24 sounds would be labeled such as:

000 Sound 1
001 Sound 2
002 Sound 3
003 Sound 4
... and so on through 023

If you wish to place new sounds in there, you need to do two things:

1) Remove one of the original sounds.

2) Rename the new sound so that it takes the number of the one your removed. If you remove sound "015 Sound 16" and your new file is called "My New Sound", you must rename it so it becomes "015 My New Sound". This will dictate the sounds position within the unit.

Once this is done and the unit has exactly 24 sounds installed all assigned proper numerical values from 000 -023, then you transfer the list to the remote and everything should be perfect.

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Spitfire: How to Setup a New Memory Card
Here are the steps needed to set up a new micro SD to work with your Spitfire game call:

1. Connect the new card to your PC with your card adapter.

2. Open your 'My Computer' icon (or simply 'Computer' on newer version of Windows).

3. Locate the drive letter for the new card.

4. Right-click on the drive letter for the new card and select 'Format'.

5. In the 'Volume Label' field, enter "SP1".

6. For the 'Filesystem' setting, choose FAT32.

7. Make sure that the 'Quick Format' option is not selected.

8. Push the 'Start' button to begin the format.

Once the format is complete, the card is ready to be used with the FOXPRO Programming Utility.

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Programming: PC Not Recognizing My Game Call
Make sure you have your game call or memory card connected to the PC prior to launching the FOXPRO Programming Utility. If the game call or memory card is not connected to your PC before opening the utility, the Windows operating system will not have had an opportunity to assign it a drive letter. By opening the utility, it scans the available drive letters and makes those available to you.

When you connect your game call or memory card to your PC, Windows will assign it a drive letter. This letter must be known so that it can be utilized later on when you are working with the programming utility. On some systems, as soon as you connect the game call or memory card, it may automatically open the device and show the sound files on your screen. If this happens, you can simply close the window. To determine the drive letter, do the following:

1. Connect the FOXPRO game call or memory card to an available USB port on your PC.

2. Open the My Computer (or it may be Computer on Windows Vista & 7 systems) icon. This will bring up the list of available drive letters for Windows.

3. Looks for a new drive letter that was not there previously. It may be listed under the Devices with Removable Storage section. You may also notice the title of the drive letter is the same as your serial and model number. For example, a Spitfire may read as "SP1 12A345G" with a letter in parenthesis such as "(E:)". This letter is the drive letter that has been assigned to your game call or memory card.

Once the FOXPRO Programming Utility is opened (and your game call or memory card is connected to a USB port or appropriate card adapter), look to the upper-right side of the screen for the Select Device section. You will see a drop-down selector. By clicking on the drop-down arrow, the menu will reveal the available drive letters on your PC.

In order for the FOXPRO Programming Utility to recognize your game call as a valid FOXPRO game call, it looks at the volume label on the card/device that is connected to your PC. If a valid label is not set, the utility will not allow you to access it.

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Where is the sound pack download manager?
In order to access the Sound Pack Download Manager, you must be signed-in to your store account. After signing in, locate the "My Account" menu option, towards the top-right of the webpage, and click it. When the menu expands, click on "Sound Pack Download Manager".

If you haven't yet made any sound pack purchases, then nothing will be displayed in the Sound Pack Download Manger.

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Spitfire Will Not Play Sounds
If a FOXPRO Spitfire is turned on but not playing sounds, there are a few things that we can investigate.

Loose Memory Card - If the memory card has worked loose, the Spitfire will turn on and allow you to go through the operational motions, but you will be unable to hear any sounds. To check this, remove the back panel off of the Spitfire. Inside to the right a circuit board with a memory card on the back. The card is located in a push/pull socket. Using a finger, reach in and push on the card a single time. Normally, the card should click and come loose. If the card clicks and locks into position, the card was loose from the socket, therefore not making a connection. With the card back into place, try operations again. If the card was not loose, continue reading.

Speaker Malfunction - If the speaker is not functioning, this could also result in the Spitfire not playing sounds. An easy way to check the speaker is to start with the unit turned off. Make sure that the speaker slide switch is to the right or "on" position. Turn on the Spitfire and listen; do you hear a slight pop when power is applied? If so, this indicates that the speaker is powering up. If nothing is heard, there is a good chance that the speaker may have gone out. This would require factory service.

Bad Memory Card - If the memory card was not loose and the speaker appears to be firing up, the next possibility is that the memory card itself may be bad. The best way to test this would be to try connecting the memory card to a PC. Some PC's may have the appropriate micro SD card slots built in, while others do not. For those without the integrated slots, you will need to source a micro SD card adapter to do this test.

Once the memory card is attached to a PC, you should be able to access it. Windows users will need to go to their "Computer" or "My Computer" icon to view all available drives. Mac users should see an icon appear on their desktop. If the card is working properly, you should an icon that says "SP1" followed by your serial number. By opening this icon, you should be able to view all of the sound files inside of the card. If you try to open the card and are unable to view the sound files or it gives an error such as "device not formatted", "device not ready", "insert disk" or anything similar, the card is bad and will need to be replaced.

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TX500 Playlist Scrambled or Missing
If you have just turned on your TX-500 remote control and found that your sounds play list is scrambled or missing, don't panic. There is a chance that you may have inadvertently performed the factory reset on the remote control. This can happen while turning on the TX-500. There are three buttons located on either side of the upper half of the remote control. If you happen to press the right combination of buttons while you are turning the TX-500 on, you can do the factory reset which will wipe out your sound list and lead to potential scrambling of your play list. The following instructions will allow you to get the list back in order.

When a factory reset has taken place, the channel of operation on the TX-500 is set to 15, which may not be correct depending upon the model game call. The first thing you need to do is get the TX-500 on the appropriate channel for operation. The FURY GX7 and PRAIRIE BLASTER are set at the factory to operate on channel 13. The CS-24 and SNOW-CROW PRO 2 are set for channel 15.

If you are using the FURY GX7, PRAIRIE BLASTER, or SNOW-CROW PRO 2 and have changed your channel of operation on the main unit previously, you need to make sure that you aware of what that channel is. To confirm this, simply turn on the game call itself. Watch the LCD panel on the caller closely; you should see two numbers appear on the screen when it first turns on. It may be something like 013 and 097. The first number represents the channel of operation for the caller.

To set the channel on your TX-500, perform the following:

1. Turn on your TX-500 remote control.
2. Access the main menu by pressing and holding down the selector knob for 3-4 seconds. The main menu will display on the screen at which point you can release the knob.
3. Use the selector knob to move the highlight bar to TX-500 CONFIG and press down on the knob a single time to make the selection.
4. Use the selector knob to move the highlight bar to CHANNEL and press down on the knob a single time to make the selection. You should now be at the channel selection screen.
5. Use the selector knob to change the current channel number to the appropriate channel number for your game call. Once the number is on the display, press down on the selector knob a single time to lock it in.
6. You can then choose the EXIT option on each of the menus to get back to the main screen.
7. Look in the bottom left corner of your TX-500 LCD panel; you should now see the correct channel number.

After setting the correct channel, you will need to upload the sound list. The following process will allow you to upload the sound list for the FURY GX7, PRAIRIE BLASTER, and SNOW-CROW PRO 2. Separate instructions for the CS-224 will be provided later.

1. Turn on the game call and TX-500 remote control.
2. Access the main menu on your TX-500 remote by pressing and holding down the selector knob for 3-4 seconds. The main menu will display on the screen at which point you can release the knob.
3. Use the selector knob to move the highlight bar to TX-500 CONFIG and press down on the knob a single time to make the selection.
4. Use the selector knob to move the highlight bar to UPLOAD SOUND LIST and press down on the knob a single time to make the selection.
5. You should now see a screen that has NO and the top and YES at the bottom with text in the middle of the screen confirming that your game call itself is turned on. Take a quick moment to make sure your game call is turned on.
6. Use the selector knob to highlight YES at the bottom of the screen. At this point, set the TX-500 remote control down right next to your game call and then push down on the knob a single time while YES is highlighted to initiate the upload.
7. The game call and TX-500 are now communicating and the game call is transmitting the play list into the TX-500 remote control. When the transfer is complete, the TX-500 will display a message alerting you of this fact and the word CONTINUE should be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Push down on the selector knob a single time to leave this screen and return to default play list screen; your sound list should be back.

If you perform the sound upload process and your screen is filled with a bunch of unreadable text (various numbers, letters, and symbols) the first thing to do is make sure the channels are set correctly on both devices. Also make sure that you are performing the transfer in a location that is free of any wireless or Wi-Fi devices which may act to cause interference and try the transfer again. If the list is still scrambled and you have recently reprogrammed your game call, there is a chance that something within the programming is not correct. Any errors in the programming process can result in the transfer not going through successfully.

The sound list upload process on the CS-24 is a bit different from the instructions listed above. The process involves using a patch cable to connect the TX-500 remote to the auxiliary jack on the CS-24 unit. Before proceeding, make sure that you have access to this cable.

Depending upon the age of your CS-24, the transfer process can work in one of two ways; both of which will be covered in this guide. To date your setup, do the following:

1. Turn on the TX-500 normally. Watch the LCD panel closely. You will first see FOXPRO appear and a moment later a second line will appear on the display. This second line will display a version number, take note of this number. If your remote control displays a number less than 20, you will refer to the first set of instructions below. If your remote control displays a number higher than 20, you will refer to the second set of instructions below.

CS-24 Version Less than 20:

1. Make sure the CS-24 and TX-500 are both powered OFF.
2. Connect one end of the black transfer cable to the jack on the top of your TX-500 remote control.
3. Connect the other end of the transfer cable to AUX jack on the back of the CS-24.
4. Turn on only the TX-500. You will get a message on the screen prompting you to turn on the CS-24.
5. Turn on the CS-24 to start the transfer.
6. Once the transfer is complete (it will alert you on the TX-500 screen) unplug the cable and your sound list should now be back.

CS-24 Version Greater than 20 and Krakatoa:

1. Make sure the CS-24 and TX-500 are both powered OFF.
2. Connect one end of the black transfer cable to the jack on the top of your TX-500 remote control.
3. Connect the other end of the transfer cable to AUX jack on the back of the CS-24.
4. Turn on the TX-500 remote control.
5. Access the main menu on the TX-500 by pressing down and holding the selector knob for 3-4 seconds. The main menu will then be displayed on the screen at which point you can release the knob.
6. Use the selector knob to highlight the TX-500 CONFIG option on the screen and push down on the knob a single time to make the selection.
7. Use the selector knob to highlight the UPLOAD SOUND LIST option on the screen and push down on the knob a single time to make the selection.
8. Instructions will appear on the screen prompting you to turn on the CS-24.
9. Turn on the CS-24 to begin the transfer.
10. Once the transfer is complete (it will alert you on the TX-500 screen) unplug the cable and your sound list should now be back.

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FX3 or FX5 Changes Sounds by Itself
If your FX3 or FX5 starts to change sounds while you are using it without the remote control, you are probably booting up the unit into Jukebox Mode. When you first turn on the FX3 or FX5, you normally get two blinking dashes on the screen. However, if you push the sound up arrow button before those two dashes start to blink, the unit enters Jukebox Mode where it plays one sound then moves on to the next and so forth. To prevent it from occurring, just make sure that you wait until the two dashes appear before you push the sound up arrow button.

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Prairie Blaster Audio Cuts Out at High Volumes
The Prairie Blaster is a high powered electronic game call and as such it requires a good deal of power to keep things operating. In a situation where the Prairie Blaster is cutting out at high volume settings, this may be triggered due to a temporary power failure which can stem from the use of non-rechargeable or alkaline batteries, especially if operating in colder environments.

Alkaline batteries (non-rechargeable, disposable) batteries have very high impedance or internal resistance in comparison with other battery types such as rechargeable NiMH. The higher impedance means that the flow of current from the batteries to the machine is restricted. When you ask more of the machine, in terms of volume, the more current is needed to drive the unit to produce the sound. When the machine does not get the amount of current that is required for it to function, it can prematurely cut off resulting in temporary loss of audio and perhaps the integral decoy switching on or off (depending upon its last state).

To get the best performance out of the Prairie Blaster (especially at the higher volume levels and when temperatures are at their coldest) it is recommended to use a rechargeable type of NiMH batteries. A high capacity rechargeable 12V SLA 3.2AH battery pack is available from FOXPRO. Click here for purchasing details.

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Where is my serial number?
Since the serial number is a very crucial piece to your caller it is somewhat hidden. We do this to keep it from wearing off or being accidentally removed. For any of the callers that we offer that have a battery compartment within the caller you will find the Serial Number in that compartment. Simply remove your battery door, lift up your battery tray and you will see the number on one of the inside walls.

Some of the callers we offer do not have a battery door, but a battery bag. For these callers, such as the Hellfire, CS24 series and KRAKATOA models you will have to do a little work. You will need a Phillips head screw driver to start. Remove the 3 or 4 screws that are located at the base of the cap on the caller and gently remove the cap. Be careful pulling too hard you may disconnect the speaker wires. If you do happen to pull them off do not worry. You can just slide the clip back over the connectors. Once you remove the cap you will see the serial number on the inside of the speaker cap.

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What is the proof of purchase?
The Proof of Purchase would be your receipt from the store where you bought the caller. If you need to keep the original receipt to keep track of purchases just make a copy. If you lose the original receipt you have a couple other options. If you made the purchase with a credit card or debit card you can send a copy of your statement showing that purchase. Just black out any of the other purchases that may be on there that do not pertain to a FOXPRO Digital Game Call.

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Product Care & Maintenance
Now that you are the proud owner of a FOXPRO high performance game call, protecting that investment should be just as big of a concern as calling in the next critter. While our products are designed to be used outdoors in hunting applications, remember that they are still electronic devices and susceptible to the elements and should be treated with care to help maximize usage well into the future.

The following list will cover the top recommendations from FOXPRO Inc. on proper care and maintenance of your game call. A lot of these recommendations can be classified as preventative maintenance and should be taken seriously. A little effort now can save you time, frustration, and money down the road!

Moisture is your #1 enemy! Whether you are storing your FOXPRO game call or decoy away for the summer or just having some down time from calling, it is highly recommended that you thoroughly inspect the unit for any signs of moisture. Moisture (perhaps from rain, snow, condensation, or other) can potentially enter the unit or the battery compartment and cause some serious problems. Proper care should be taken to mitigate the introduction of (or potential for introduction of) moisture into the machine and make sure that no moisture is present during storage. Moisture can quickly lead to corrosion, electrical shorts, and even rust--all of which can possibly render the unit damaged and out of warranty. This type of damage is preventable. For example, if you are operating in rainy, wet conditions, it is recommended that you place the unit inside of a large plastic freezer storage bag or use a water/weatherproof deployment bag to keep water from getting to it. When storing the unit for prolonged periods, be sure that you keep it in a dry location not susceptible to drawing damp.

Remove batteries prior to storage or extended periods of inactivity! All batteries--whether alkaline or rechargeable--should be removed from the game calls, decoys, and remote controls prior to storage or periods of inactivity. Batteries that are left inside of electronic devices can leak over time as the chemicals start to break down. Damages caused by this can be very severe and potentially destroy the electrical components. To prevent this from happening, simply remove all batteries from all devices before you put them away. Keep in mind; damage caused by battery leakage is not a warranty issue.

Periodically charge your rechargeable batteries when not in use! Rechargeable batteries will not last forever. To help maximize the overall life of your rechargeable batteries, we recommend that you periodically charge them up--perhaps once a month or once every other month--to keep them fresh. Batteries that are left uncharged can enter into a state of deep discharge. Batteries in this state can often times no longer accept a charge and result in unexpected operation or complete failure in the field. It is also recommended that you replace rechargeable batteries about once a year just to keep them fresh.

Keep it clean! Our products are designed to be used outdoors and as a result, they can get dirty from time to time. While the dirt may add a bit of character and show that you use it frequently and hard, it is recommended that you spend a few moments after each hunt or at the end of the season prior to storage to clean it up a bit. Total disassembly won't be required, just remove any debris, sticks, leaves, dirt, or anything else that shouldn't be there. If dirt or foreign objects make their way into the machine, it can cause problems down the road.

Store in a dry location! If you are planning on storing the unit away for the summer, it is recommended to keep the unit in a dry location that is not prone to drawing moisture. It is also recommended to remove all batteries prior to removal.

Other storage recommendations include: Do not stack heavy objects on top of your carrying cases or other items that may be holding your caller and remote control. If too much pressure is applied to the remotes with the LCD screens, they can be punctured and broken. Too much weight bearing down on the caller or remote could result in cracking or fracturing of the plastic housings.

Check it out before heading into the field! If you are getting your caller out for the first time this season, take it out back and check it out before you head out on a hunt. Check your remote range, fidelity, high volume, low volume, battery life, etc. Being prepared and ensuring proper functionality before heading out on a trip can help you decide if you need new batteries, if it needs service, or if everything is working well. This can help prevent cancellation of trips and potential disappointment.

Units featuring removable micro SD cards. Memory cards are static sensitive items. If you are a frequent re-programmer or have multiple cards on hand to swap out, be sure to treat the cards with care. Static electricity built up on your body can be transferred into the cards which can cause damage to the card rendering inoperable. Either ground yourself prior to handling the cards or take other precautions to ensure that static transfer does not occur.

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Are FOXPRO Game Calls Waterproof?
No, not waterproof. We say splash proof. If you are caught in a light rain, there is little need to worry. If you need to use the caller in a driving rain, it is best to place it into a plastic zip lock "baggy" to keep out the rain. This has virtually no affect on the sound or volume. If the caller gets very wet, wipe it off as soon as you can. You should also unscrew the speaker to dry out any water that gets inside the caller.

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How Well Do FOXPRO Game Calls Work in the Cold?
Very well. Since there are no moving parts inside, battery energy is not wasted on mechanical motion. However, we are still subject to the physics of battery chemistry. Battery performance is generally diminished at extreme cold temperatures. The best batteries to use at severe temperatures are the "AA" Lithium types intended for digital cameras. The FOXPRO callers have been tested to -40 degrees with these batteries.

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Will Using a High-Watt External Speaker Make My Unit Louder?
Not necessarily. Connecting a physically larger speaker or one that can handle more power (watts) does not guarantee louder volume. This is a huge misconception with speakers. In order to obtain louder volume from an external speaker it must be more efficient than the internal speaker.

The SP70 will make your FOXPRO game call louder while the smaller 5" external will not. You can learn more about our line of external speakers later in the FAQ's.

If you are using an external speaker with an impedance of 8 ohms you will get the same battery life. If you were to turn off the two internal speakers on an Fusion or Crossfire and just use an external speaker while running an SP70, your battery life will increase because you are drawing less current from the battery when only using one speaker. It is recommended that you shut off your internal speakers when using a large external speaker as they will not be as beneficial to you as the large external speaker. They will be nothing more than a detriment to your battery life.

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How to Set A TX500 Preset
The TX500 remote control can have up to 10 custom presets. A preset provides a shortcut to a frequently used sound at a determined volume level that you input. FOXBANG relies upon the sound that you have established on "P1" or preset one. The 10 presets correspond to the 10 numbers found on the keypad: 0 - 9. Two quick access buttons are found on the side of the remote control; P1 and P2. P1 is linked to keypad button 1 and P2 is linked to keypad button 2. Here is how you set up a preset:

1. Turn on the TX-500.

2. On the right side of the remote control, locate the button labeled "Preset".

3. Push and hold this button for 3-4 seconds - the top line of the LCD panel will change to a black highlight and display "SEL SND/VOL : PRESS 0-9".

4. Using the scroll knob, highlight the sound of the pup distress or whatever sound you wish to use.

5. Use the volume buttons to set your volume level.

6. Push down on the scroll knob a single time and release.

7. Push the corresponding keypad number button to lock in the preset.

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Do You Sell Products Internationally?
Warranty issues and manufacturer restrictions prevent us from shipping to all geographical locations. You will be notified if we are unable to ship specific items to the address you provide.

FOXPRO Inc. will determine the most efficient method to get your product to you as soon as possible. Our preferred courier is UPS. You are responsible for all duties, tariffs, taxes, customs charges, or additional charges levied by your country of entry. Furthermore, FOXPRO Inc. is not responsible for any additional charges once the items you have ordered have left our facility. Should charges be levied in your country, and should you refuse to pay them, your credit card will be charged for all outgoing and return delivery charges that may be incurred by FOXPRO Inc. When the returned merchandise is received by FOXPRO Inc., your card will be credited for the merchandise only. If you have any questions regarding customs or duties charges and procedures in your country, it is your responsibility, not ours, to research this information PRIOR to placing your order. You, the customer, are solely responsible.

Laws are different in every country and we cannot keep up with them all. It is your responsibility to check with your Customs office to see if your country permits the shipment of FOXPRO products to your country. If for any reason the package is seized by Customs officials, we will not issue you a refund unless all products are returned to use in their original condition. If the package is returned to us by Customs officials, you are still responsible for any shipping charges.

If a package is lost, misplaced, abused, or in any other way damaged from shipping, FOXPRO Inc. is in no way responsible for replacing the merchandise.

FOXPRO Inc. does not guarantee successful delivery of any merchandise shipping internationally. Any applicable tracking numbers and shipping verification documentation will be presented to you when the merchandise is shipped. From the time it leaves our facility we formally waive all responsibility for the package arriving to its destination.

Freight charges will be formally determined at shipping time. Estimated amounts for shipping are only estimates and in no way guarantee the final amount will reflect the estimate. Actual shipping charges are based on a number of factors and can change at any time without notice.

Requests to FOXPRO, Inc. to alter or lessen merchandise value on invoices and/or international shipping documents to avoid local customs/duties/delivery fees will not be honored.

Shipping costs for warranty is not covered on international orders. Buyer will not hold FOXPRO Inc. accountable for any loss, failure, or damage.

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Do I Have to Send in My Warranty Registration?
In order to have warranty repairs performed to your game call, we must have a copy of the proof of purchase on file. Without the proof of purchase we have no way to determine the start date for your warranty coverage.

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Does the Warranty Cover International Orders?
The FOXPRO warranty only applies to products that are inside of the United States. If your product requires factory service, the buyer is solely responsible for paying for shipping of the product from their country to FOXPRO and from FOXPRO back to their country. Once the product is at our factory we will fix it free of charge (assuming adequate proof of purchase is presented and the issue is covered under warranty), but you will be responsible for all freight.

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Black Jack Patch Cable Compatibility
The FOXPRO Black Jack decoy instructional sheet notes that the decoy can be linked to a compatible FOXPRO game call by way of a standard 3.5mm stereo or mono patch cable. Shortly after the release of the Black Jack decoy, it was found that the first run featured a jack that was wired in reverse. As a result, the standard cables which are listed as compatible will not work. FOXPRO will supply any owner of the earlier Black Jacks with the appropriate cable that they need to link up with the FOXPRO game call. FOXPRO began shipping out Black Jack models with the cables on select earlier models.

To determine which cable a particular Black Jack will need, refer to the following: on the back of your Black Jack decoy battery compartment is a little sticker that will either show "BJD1" or "BJD1 REV2". If the decoy shows "BJD1", then we know that the device will require the special cable. If it is "BJD1 REV2", then any standard cable will work.

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Can I Preview FOXPRO Sounds?
Yes. All FOXPRO sounds are available for preview on our website 24 hours a day and, for folks without an internet connection, over the telephone. Granted, listening to sounds over a telephone is hardly a reliable manner in which one can gauge the quality of a sound, but it does provide sufficient means for you to hear and identify the emotional content of the sound. Telephone audio is severely limited to frequency response and dynamic range. FOXPRO sounds are open to the public for scrutiny and evaluation. You should be wary of anyone claiming that you are able to hear and detect subtle differences and absolute quality in a sound over a telephone-it is simply impossible.

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24 Bit Audio Information
Most of the new sounds being recorded for FOXPRO are being recorded and will continue to be recorded in 24-bit. The sounds are later edited and mastered in 24-bit as well. We then down sample the sounds to 16-bit for use on callers not designed to play 24-bit audio. We are recording and mastering the new sounds in 24-bit as it will allow us to move to a 24-bit system in the future.

We have added some new sounds from other sources which may have been recorded in 16-bit. 16-bit is perfectly adequate if recorded at the proper levels and using good microphones which are requirements for the sources working with us in recording new sounds.

16-bit sounds may not be as impressive sounding as 24-bit, but it is hard to turn an excellent sound just because it was recorded at 16-bit 44.1kHz CD quality. It is important to note that if done properly, recordings using CD quality recorders can result in excellent recordings.

Also from time to time, we get sounds that are recorded on analog equipment which can also be quite adequate if done correctly. If talking about the bit depth of analog-it's infinite. You are able to gain some advantage by up-sampling 16-bit sounds to 24-bit. This may seem untrue, but here is why; the sound itself will get no benefit from the up-sampling, but the silence between the sounds will benefit as the perceived S/N ratio will be better if your audio chain can support the additional head room and you go back in and re-silence the silence between the audio bursts. Beware of claims of high S/N ratios that are based solely on the D/A that is being used as there are a lot of other components in the audio chain before it reaches the speaker.

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Can I Use Lithium Batteries in FOXPRO Game Calls?
Yes. You can definitely use lithium batteries in FOXPRO game calls, but you may not get the full benefit of their larger capacity. The reason for this is that most consumer-type lithium cells do not like a lot of current drawn out of them at once. They will, however, do well if you can manage the volume of the unit, especially in colder weather.

There are some new rechargeable lithium batteries that do very well under large current demands and that can be charged quickly. FOXPRO will be exploring this technology as it becomes more mainstream and affordable.

At this time we recommend NiMH (nickel-metal-hydride) batteries for FOXPRO game calls as the best all around choice. If you are seeking extremely long run times, we recommend one of our 12 volt power kits.

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Predator Hunting Basics
The Basics of a Coyote Stand